The Cali Reverb Modern High Gain Amplifier plugin is modeled on Mesa Boogie Rectoverb* 50 watt head.


Follow these simple steps to claim your plugin for FREE:

  1. Create a Nembrini Audio account, or log in if you already have one. Click here to go directly to the Create/Login page.
  2. Click this link to proceed directly to checkout.
  3. Once you’ve completed your purchase for FREE, you will receive an email with installation instructions.

Legal Disclaimer:

Mesa Boogie Rectoverb is a registered trademark of Gibson Brands Inc. Nembrini Audio Cali Reverb Modern High Gain was developed by Nembrini Audio SRL based on its own modelling techniques. Gibson Brands Inc has not endorsed nor sponsored the Nembrini Audio Cali Reverb Modern High Gain in any manner, nor licensed any intellectual property for use in this product.