“legendary transparent overdrive”

Clon Minotaur Transparent Overdrive is modelled on The Klon Centaur* a guitar overdrive pedal developed between 1990 and 1994.
The Clon Minotaur is characterized as a "transparent" overdrive, meaning it adds gain to the signal without significantly altering the tone of the guitar.

Depending on the settings of the control knobs, the Clon Minotaur Transparent Overdrive can act mostly as a clean boost, adding mostly volume and minimal coloring to the sound.
This can be used to drive the input valve stage of the virtual amplifier to use the characteristic distortion sound of an overdriven guitar amp.

Clon Minotaur Transparent Overdrive controls can be set to distort the sound signal in the plugin, where two modelled germanium diodes can perform waveform clipping.
The gain parameter controls the balance between the modelled diode clipping stage and the clean stage. The two signals are summed together before they interact with the other two controls, treble and volume.
Legal Disclaimer:
* Please note that all marks and models are all trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Nembrini Audio. These marks and names are used solely for the purpose of describing certain tones produced using Nembrini Audio’s modelling technology.

Plugin Formats
A VST2, VST3, AAX or AudioUnits compatible host