“Classy, Versatile and Ecstatic, breathing like high gain boutique amps with infinite options… the BG Extasy Boutique Guitar Amplifier”

BG Extasy Boutique Guitar Amplifier is meticulously modelled on the Bogner Ecstasy* 101B head guitar amplifier.
Nembrini Audio has carefully reproduced the incredible tone and versatility of this famous boutique guitar amplifier, being one of the most desirable guitar amps on the market today. We have also extended the possibilities of the original hardware thanks to the versatility of the digital world with new features for the maximum control of your tone:
- 3 channel all tube design
- Ch 1: gain, bass, middle, treble and volume control
- Ch 1: 3 position pre eq and gain boost
- Ch 2: gain, volume and 3 position pre eq
- Ch 3: gain, volume and 3 position pre eq
- Ch 2/3: common bass, middle and treble controls
- Ch 2/3: common gain-structure, gain boost and plexi mode switch
- Dual assignable presence controls with excursion switches for loose and tight feel
- a complete recording chain with six selected guitar cab emulations
- four of the best mic emulations with position and distance controls
- cleaner circuit to improve your tone
- optimized Noise Gate
- a powerful three-slot Impulse Loader

With BG Extasy Modern Tube Guitar Amplifier is possible to choose between six different guitar cabinets, four microphone emulations with on/off axis position switch, continuous position and distance knobs.
A complete Mixer section with Solos, Mutes, Pans and Faders allows you to blend together the two microphones with the ambience.

Impulse Loader lets you load up to three third-party impulse responses that you can even blend together using volume, pan, phase, solo and mute controls.
A useful browser window has been added so you can easily search through all your third-party IR files.
Noise Gate section plus a Cleaner circuit to reduce rumbling and harshness is included

Legal Disclaimer:
Ecstasy is a registered trademark of Bogner Amplification. BG Extasy was developed by Nembrini Audio SRL based on its own modelling techniques. Bogner Amplification has not endorsed nor sponsored the BG Extasy in any manner, nor licensed any intellectual property for use in this product.

Plugin Formats
A VST2, VST3, AAX or AudioUnits compatible host